
Alexander Brügge

Alexander was born and raised in Gävle but in his twenties he found his way to Stockholm. After attending Berghs script class Alexander got drafted to Forsberg & Co to help them start a film production department. After a few successful years he 2001 started Esteban together with Markus Ernerot. Alexander makes films with humor, driven dialogue, warmth and strong characters. And he loves a technical challenge! On his CV there Is hundreds of films for big brands like, Telia, Svenska Spel, Ica, Systembolaget and Telenor. Twice awarded with director of the year at Roy and commercial of the year several times at the same contest. He Is also awarded in Cannes, NY Festivals and Guldägget. All that and still he is a very, very humble man...


Markus Ernerot

Back in the 90’s Markus combined music with making TV. Both as a host at TV4 and writing and directing humorous sketches. This led him to the script class at Berghs school. He graduated as number one. Markus was hired by Forsberg & Co and he immediately directed award winning campaigns for clients like Spray and 118 118. After a few years at Forsberg he and Alexander started Esteban and the rest is commercial history. During the years Markus has made hundreds of commercials for big brands like Telia, ICA, Systembolaget, Telenor. His eye for humor and casting Is unique as well as his skills in instructing. Markus really knows how to get the most out of a script. His work has been rewarded with Guldägget, Best film and Best director at ROY, Epica and Cannes Lion.


Sofia Wall